Workplace Wellness Centers Reduce Member Costs

Workplace Wellness Centers Reduce Member Costs

Premise Health conducted a representative claims analysis study based on geography and the eligible populations of seven clients from varied industries: manufacturing, finance, and electronics. In total, the evaluated data represents outcomes based on approximately 67,000 eligible lives.

The Study

Within that population, the analysis was a cohort comparison of members with wellness center attribution compared to community attribution. Attribution is determined by plurality of primary care provider visits and is based on frequency, not cost

The Methodology

Premise Health partnered with health data analytics company Deerwalk to complete this study using its Milliman Advanced Risk Adjusters (MARA) model. The analysis uses electronic health record (EHR) data and community claims data to evaluate risk-adjusted health outcomes and the cost of care in presence of an onsite wellness center over an averaged two year period. Through the MARA model, Premise members are assigned into risk score categories based on concurrent risk scores. Total cost of care per eligible member months is then risk-adjusted for comparisons of Premise attributed members to similar community attributed members. The resulting findings are expressed as units of service / 1,000.

Clinic attribution rates among the five clients ranged from 39 to 69% of all wellness center users.

The Findings

The Findings Based on the approximately 67,000 eligible lives studied, total PMPY health costs for wellness center attributed users was significantly lower when compared to the community—a 29% gross savings in healthcare costs.

The following improvements and key outcomes were identified:

  • 41% reduction in inpatient admissions
  • 24% reduction in outpatient and ambulatory services
  • 19% increase in routine and preventive office visits

Premise Health helped increase:

  • Primary care visits
  • Generic prescription dispensing rate
  • Accessibility
  • Efficiency
  • Affordability
  • Wellness center capacity

Premise Health helped decrease:

  • Overall medical and prescription costs
  • Inpatient admissions
  • Outpatient services
  • Specialty care visits
  • Ambulatory services

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