How One Client Maximized Engagement through Convenience and Accessibility with a Nearsite Wellness Center

How One Client Maximized Engagement through Convenience and Accessibility with a Nearsite Wellness Center

An entertainment company in the business of creating magic, and a Premise Health client since 2008, saw an opportunity to expand healthcare access in the community with a nearsite wellness center. Within the first year of the wellness center opening, virtual and in-person engagement grew to more than 7,500 members by the end of 2020 despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Challenge

Given that dependents represent 65% of healthcare claims, ensuring employees and their families have accessible, high-quality care is essential. While an onsite center puts treatment steps away for employees on its property, it can make accessibility a struggle for dependent populations who battle a longer commute from home and tight security regulations. As the client was nearing capacity at their onsite wellness center, they needed an equally high-quality healthcare solution that would extend access to more employees and their families.

The Solution

Known for thinking outside of the box, this organization partnered with Premise Health to create a nearsite wellness center tailored to meet the needs of their dispersed population by putting care closer to home.

In the Neighborhood
By delivering care where members live, work, and play, nearsite centers help close the distance between members and their providers. To increase convenience and cut down on commute time, Premise mapped out a central location that would serve many employees and their families within a 20-mile radius of their homes.

Technology-enabled Care
Virtual visits were critical during the pandemic as community and in-person resources were limited. Through the My Premise Health app, members were able to view and manage their health records, schedule virtual or in-person visits with their trusted Premise provider, request medication refills, view test results, and much more.

A diverse member population.

Representing countries from all over the world, the center serves ages two to 90 and provides care for large populations of Spanish, Haitian-Creole, Vietnamese, and French speakers, all supported by multi-lingual provider teams.

Innovative and Customized Services
Premise also worked with the client to define which products would best serve their unique population and meet the needs of all members – workers, spouses, and dependents. Driving an effective balance between customization and standardization, virtual and in-person services included:

  • Primary care for preventive and ongoing needs
  • Pharmacy and over-the-counter medications
  • Medical fitness and exercise physiology
  • Clinical pharmacist-driven condition management
  • Behavioral health and mindset counseling
  • Lab testing for acute and chronic conditions
  • Vision care
  • Nutrition coaching
  • Teaching kitchen that featured live demonstration and classes
  • Routine women’s health
  • Advanced family building and fertility services
  • Radiology

How One Client Maximized Engagement through Convenience and Accessibility with a Nearsite Wellness Center

COVID-19 Response

To meet new behavioral health challenges amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a mindset specialist was brought on board to collaborate with providers and conduct warm handoffs for any members they recognized needed extra support. Despite the uncertainty brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, members reported feeling safe, cared for, and treated with dignity.

The Outcome

Within the first year of the wellness center opening, and despite a pandemic, over 7,500 employees and dependents visited the new nearsite center with an average of more than two visits per person. Not only did providers record improved clinical outcomes, but members rated their experience a 93 NPS – a score based on member satisfaction and a number well above the industry average of 30. In addition, members cited the nearsite center as their second favorite perk, next to free tickets to the organization’s entertainment offering.

In 2020, the nearsite wellness center was able to:

Optimize Engagement

  • 21% boost in incremental engagement from 2019
  • 58% of total visits were virtual

Enhance Member Experience

  • 5.5 minute average wait time
  • 93 net promoter score
  • Same day appointments

Improve Clinical Quality

  • 90th percentile HEDIS for diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic conditions
  • 75% of colorectal and mammogram screenings achieved
  • 30-day readmissions nearly eliminated due to robust Care Management program

As an organization deemed the happiest place on earth, every detail matters and offering high-value healthcare solutions and exceptional experiences is essential. A client of 14 years, this success would not be possible without our collaborative partnership. Like Premise Health, they’re a forward-thinking organization that strives to do what’s best for their total population to help them get, stay, and be well.

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