Auto manufacturer reduces workers’ compensation costs

Auto manufacturer reduces workers’ compensation costs

Helping an auto manufacturer lower costs and improve workforce health.

A major auto manufacturer turned to Premise Health to give their workforce access to a broader range of healthcare services, all while lowering costs. We worked with their team to build a proactive onsite health program that met, and even exceeded, their goals.

The Solution

Premise Health increased and improved the health services available to employees by:

  • Starting an Early Symptom Intervention program that included fully certified athletic training staff intervening early with employees experiencing musculoskeletal discomfort
  • Implementing proactive Premise Health RN case management (site, telephonic, and field)
  • Placing a dedicated case management staff
  • Training the entire medical staff on ways to improve overall workforce health
  • Practicing aggressive case management from First Report of Injury to Maximum Medical Improvement using evidence based medicine guidelines
  • Placing onsite physical therapists who worked closely with providers, employees, and management
  • Training Premise Health providers in the latest occupational health evidence-based medicine guidelines and practice adjustment
  • Contacting community providers if there were gaps in documentation and noting those gaps in work abilities with respect to fitness-for-duty exams

The Outcome

The manufacturer won the Teddy Roosevelt Award in the for-profit category for its outstanding accomplishments in the areas of workers’ compensation, employee safety, and medical management.

In only five years, Premise Health:

reduced workers’ compensation costs by

reduced claim payouts by

Interested in learning more?

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