How to Convince the C-Suite that Your Organization Needs Onsite Health
You’ve done the research, and direct healthcare makes sense for your population. Now it’s time to make your case.
As a member of the HR benefits team, you already know providing a direct healthcare solution such as onsite health can solve a number of problems for you and your people. But it can also benefit each member of your executive team in a variety of ways. Read on to see how onsite wellness centers tie into the responsibilities of the key leaders in your organization – And to get ideas for approaching these decision makers.
Chief Executive Officers
The CEO is the company leader and innovator, constantly working to prepare the companies for the future. In turn, these leaders ask the same of their teams – and one piece of being prepared involves having a plan to address rising healthcare costs.
For the last ten years, many employers have responded to rising costs by sharing more of them with workers. However, after a decade of rising prices, employers are working to drive change. CEOs recognize that if they stay on the sideline and don’t take a stand, nothing will change. For them, choosing an innovative approach like onsite health is an opportunity to be a leader in the healthcare space.
CEOs are also focused on the experience that their teams have at work.They are ultimately responsible for setting the culture of their organization.Emphasizing health and offering access to healthcare in a convenient location contributes to positive team member experiences – Something many executive leaders are excited to get behind.
Chief Financial Officers
When chief financial officers make decisions for their company, the single most important question they ask themselves is: “How does this contribute to the bottom line?” In the case of onsite clinics, the answer is often that they will save money for the organization.
By adding an onsite center and taking control of how healthcare is delivered to their people, CFOs can help bend the healthcare cost curve, bringing down annual healthcare price increases from approximately 9 – 13% to the low single digits.
CFOs also like onsite health because it has the potential to make healthcare costs more predictable, which in turn means they know how to better allocate the overall budget. Prescription drug costs can also be addressed if employers choose to add a pharmacy to their center.
Chief Human Resources Officers
Chief human resource officers want the best for their people. They see creating a positive workplace culture as a top priority, a goal that often means focusing on health and wellness.
CHROs also closely follow labor market trends. They recognize that when talent is scarce, being viewed as an employer of choice is critical.
Onsite wellness centers address these priorities. They make it easy for team members to prioritize their health and wellbeing through convenient access. As a perk that not many employers can say they offer, wellness centers help companies stand out and be more competitive during the hiring process. They’re also appealing to current talent, which can enhance retention rates and give CHROs another reason to advocate for bringing care in-house.
Chief Operations Officers
Productivity is important to chief operations officers, as they and their teams juggle hundreds of competing priorities. Because onsite health centers are located where people work, they help employees access care when they need it and stay on top of their preventive care needs – leading to healthier employees. For COOs, that means fewer sick days and more time in the office.
Even just the fact that employees don’t need to go offsite to see a provider can increase their productivity. Short wait times and the chance to do paperwork ahead of time online mean workers can get in and out in the time it would normally take them just to drive to the doctor’s office.
Chief Medical Officers
The chief medical officer is a unique position for many companies, especially those outside of the healthcare industry. CMOs are tasked with overseeing the management of wellness centers, managing clinical operations, and ensuring members receive the highest standard of care.
When organizations not in the industry have a CMO, it shows they are committed to keeping their employees healthy and enhancing their outcomes. Engaging this leader means focusing on increasing quality of care. That’s an area where onsite health often excels, because of providers’ ability to spend more time with patients. Speaking with potential onsite health providers about their approaches to care, HEDIS scores, medication adherence rates, and other quality metrics will help provide the information needed to satisfy your CMO.
Premise Health is the leading direct healthcare provider offering onsite wellness centers, as well as nearsite and virtual access points. For more proof on how onsite care benefits teams, check out this study of costs and quality outcomes from three large- self-funded employers.
Next on industry insights.

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