How an Employer Increased Behavioral Health Engagement at Premise Health by 1,300% [CASE STUDY]
Companies that care about the health and wellbeing of their employees pay attention to trends they’re seeing across their organization, knowing data drives decisions.
When a large financial services company noticed an uptick in leave requests due to behavioral health needs, they knew they needed to act fast and find a solution for their workers. As a long-time Premise Health client, they made a collaborative decision to add short-term behavioral health counseling as a pilot at one of their sites.
The pilot was a success and led to a full behavioral health expansion at their health centers across the country. Today, access to digital and in-person counseling is more in demand than ever, and engagement continues to climb. Learn more about how the client successfully scaled a pilot to a full expansion here.
Everyone can benefit from access to behavioral health services. How can we tailor a solution for your unique population? Let’s talk.
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