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How Onsite Dental Benefits Help Your Organization Stay Competitive

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Few people love going to the dentist, but there are a few things that could make the experience more enjoyable for your employees and their families. What if they didn’t have to miss work to make it to an appointment and visiting the dentist’s office was as easy as walking down the hall? What if […]

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How to Build a Successful Workplace Mental Health Strategy

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Is the place where many of us spend the most time causing us the most stress? A 2022 Gallup poll reported that up to 40% of employees said their job has had a negative effect on their mental health in the last six months. Yet, many won’t seek mental health treatment. The biggest obstacles? Social […]

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Vision Care in the Workplace: Enhancing Your Health Benefits

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Vision insurance is a great start when it comes to improving your employee’s eye health. For employers who want to go even further by offering unique and innovative health benefits, onsite vision care for employees could be the answer. Enhancing vision benefits can pay off big for employee retention, with one survey finding that 87% […]

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Suicide Prevention in the Workplace: A Guide for Employers

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DisclaimerIf you are currently experiencing a mental health crisis or emergency, please call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or text “HOME” to 74141. Earlier this year, national efforts to meet the needs of people struggling with mental health challenges took a step forward as 988 became the official number for the […]

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3 Ways A Wellness Program Manager Can Help You Avoid Wellness Program Pitfalls

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In 2019, about 80% of large U.S. employers offered some kind of wellness program to their employees. Yet many wellness programs fail to achieve the goals they were established for – whether it’s a decrease in conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, or simple health improvements like moving more and getting better sleep. Seeing […]

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How Medical Fitness Management Can Cut Chronic Condition Costs

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Chronic conditions are a significant cost driver for employers with just five chronic diseases or risk factors costing employers $36.4 billion a year due to employees missing work. But what if there was another way to treat and even reverse these costly chronic conditions? What if your primary care provider could prescribe squats instead of […]

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