#PremiseCares: Premise providers supply thermometers to help members stay healthy at home
At the start of the pandemic, wellness teams had to quickly adjust to the new reality and find innovative ways to stay connected to members that were no longer working in the office. One Premise Health wellness team had planned a wellbeing campaign for this spring and had ordered a large shipment of branded thermometers, but the shipment arrived after all the employees had begun working from home. Knowing how in demand thermometers were during the pandemic, the team worked tirelessly to ship one to every employee so that they could monitor their health from home. Additionally, a core group of essential employees including security, housekeeping, food service, and mail processing staff were remaining on campus. The wellness center team personally distributed thermometers to each of these employees.
All of the recipients were very grateful for the time and energy the team took to distribute the thermometers – especially knowing how hard they were to come by at the time. Thank you to this wellness center team for helping our clients and members to get, stay, and be well.